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电话: 027-59338682
姓名: vivihu
Amicus Asia Pacific(Wuhan) *域名隐藏* .

  Amicus has warehouse in Singapore and Malaysia. Collectively at Amicus, we hold the vision to be a world-class manufacturing partner to our customers in supplying hygienic products globally from China、Singapore and Malaysia to the WORLD....

主要产品/业务: Amicus is constantly developing innovative hygienic products for new applications for our housebrands and private-label customers. Our housebrands are available in different categories through PharmCare、Q+、Kiss-Me-Honey in personal and home care, Belove in baby care.

Amicus Asia Pacific(Wuhan) *域名隐藏* . / 湖北 / Address:Blk.3,Wantong Industrial Park,Hanyang District,Wuhan (430051 ) / 电话:027-59338682

本页面所有信息由Amicus Asia Pacific(Wuhan) *域名隐藏* .自行发布,内容合法性由发布者负责,交易请谨慎核实。

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